Ronnie Scott

Necropolis visit

Visible to anyone in the world

Hi all

We will be visiting the Glasgow Necropolis on Thursday 15 March, meeting at 1.30 in Cathedral Precinct, to the rear of the St Mungo Museum, which has its front door in Castle Street. Sorry not to have posted this earlier (it's been a busy week).

Best wishes


PS Thanks to Pat for reminding me to post this!

Ronnie Scott

Thursday 8 March

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Ronnie Scott, Tuesday, 6 March 2018, 9:14 PM


Hope you're all thawed out now. We will meet this Thursday (8 March) in room GH330 (our usual meeting room) at 1.30 for our scheduled week eight topics: palaeography and heraldry. I'm hoping that next week's weather will have improved enough to visit the Necropolis on Thursday 15 March. If not, we will be back in GH330. I'll post again at the start of next week with an update.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Ronnie Scott, Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 3:03 PM

Hello all

The university has announced that the campus will be closed again tomorrow, Thursday 1 March. So we will NOT be meeting at all on that day. I will post in the next few days the new arrangements for classes 7 and 8. Hope you're all safe and warm.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott

Thursday 1 March

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Ronnie Scott, Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 11:15 AM


Hello all

Because we are swapping weeks seven and eight (see the post below), here are the links, sources and resources for the topics we will look at on Thursday 1 March (palaeography and heraldry) in room 330 in the Graham Hills building.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott


Visible to anyone in the world

Hi all

Hope you're all safe and warm in the current white-out! Because of the very poor weather conditions, our visit to the Glasgow Necropolis will NOT take place on Thursday 1 March. All being well, we will go there on Thursday 8 March. So we will have our session on Palaeography and Heraldry (scheduled for week eight) on Thursday 1 March in our usual room in 40 George Street.

However, the university campus is closed today (Wednesday 28 February). If it is closed again on Thursday 1 March, I will post another update here. You can check the university's Facebook and Twitter pages for updates on the closure.

If we have no meeting on Thursday 1 March, the deadline for assessments will be one week later.

Stay safe.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott

Week seven

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Ronnie Scott, Monday, 26 February 2018, 7:50 PM

Hello there

Welcome to the sources and resources connected to this week's class. This Thursday (1 March 2018) we will be having a guided tour of the Glasgow Necropolis. We will meet at 1.30 in Cathedral Precinct, off Castle Street, at the back door of the St Mungo Museum. This is quite close to the formal entrance gate to the Necropolis. If the weather is completely against us, we will have a tour of the cathedral and a coffee in the museum, all the while discussing our topic for the day. Please dress for the weather.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott

Week six

Visible to anyone in the world

Hello there

Welcome to week six of our explorations Beyond the Basics. Attached are the links and associated sources and resources connected with our topics this week.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott

Week five

Visible to anyone in the world

Hello again

This week we are in a computer room (GH 560, on the fifth floor of the Graham Hills building, our usual building). We'll be looking at maps, newspapers and other printed sources, and where and how we can find these online. You are welcome to bring a USM memory stick, but please virus check this on the university computer before opening it.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott

Week four

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Ronnie Scott, Sunday, 4 February 2018, 8:47 PM

Hello there

Welcome to week four, and here are the links and other resources connected to this meeting's topics.

Best wishes


PLEASE NOTE that our meeting on Thursday 15 February will be in the computer lab in room 560 in the Graham Hills building (on the fifth floor). You might like to bring along a memory stick to capture anything you find (you MUST do a virus scan before opening your memory stick), or your e-mail sign-on to e-mail yourself links to anything you find.

Ronnie Scott

Week three

Visible to anyone in the world

Hi there

We're in the Strathclyde University archives for our third meeting. Here are some resources connected to archives.

Best wishes


Link to the archive website:

Ronnie Scott

Week two

Visible to anyone in the world


Welcome to week two of Beyond the Basics. There are various notes and other materials for download. Next week we will be visit Strathclyde University Archives and Special Collections on level five of the Strathclyde University Library building on Cathedral Street (the same building as John Smith's Bookshop). We will meet in the archives at 1.30 - remember to bring your letter of registration, which will allow you into the library building.

Best wishes


Ronnie Scott

Week one

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Ronnie Scott, Wednesday, 17 January 2018, 9:19 PM


Welcome to the first week of our class together. Here the internet links for the first week's topics, along with some relevant resources. There are also documents connected to the assessment.

Best wishes



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